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Sterilization for pharmaceutical industry


The sterilization of pharmaceutical products is an essential part for many pharmaceutical industry companies, because the quality and safety of their products (drugs, medical devices, chirurgical instruments,) is at stake.

Find out about the different sterilization processes and the industrial equipment necessary for sterilization in pharmaceutical industry.


EtO sterilization equipment upgrade for existing installations


Many pharmaceutical industries and medical devices manufacturers have to upgrade their facilities in order to either meet applicable standards, or improve their productivity, safety or reliability.

In addition, the facility upgrade allows the incorporation of advanced-technologies to increase the productivity and the equipment efficiency.


Our ETO facility solutions for sterilization in pharmaceutical industry


In order to face up to the new requirements that are more and more strict in the pharmaceutical sector, the sterilization equipment manufacturer has to evolve to propose sterilizers able to satisfy the needs of the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. The new technologies, the automation, the quality and the safety are part of the key elements for the success of these kinds of projects.


Quality protocols and validation of an ETO sterilization equipment


The ETO sterilization process is one of the most common for sensitive products to low temperatures that have to be sterilized, mainly thanks to its efficiency.

The companies of pharmaceutical and medical devices need to have reliable as well as high quality and productivity EO sterilization equipment to achieve their goals.


ATEX Training in the RSD office


In the objective to improve its quality services and equipment, RSD decided to organize a specific technical ATEX training in their offices in Martorelles (SPAIN). This training has been performed by Michel Stoecklin, Ism-Atex level 3 certified by the notified body INERIS, and has been taught for RSD engineers, manufacturing staff, as well as the direct user (customer). It is quite unusual and exceptional to get a training for the whole loop engineering-manufacturing-final user, at the same time.


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