Nos actualités
Découvrez nos derniers projets en date, l'actualité du secteur, nos événements ainsi que toute l'information sur nos produits et services.

Ethylene oxide autoclave for medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturers
The ethylene oxide sterilization exists for a long time and has demonstrated during these years its efficiency and capability to be adapted to the pharmaceutical industry and Medical device sector.
This process has become one of the most popular sterilization methods, thanks to its evolution and innovation through the EtO autoclaves.

Construction of an ethylene oxide sterilization plant in Europe
Are you contemplating a creating of an Ethylene Oxide sterilization plant in Europe? Let us explain you the main points that should be considered for this kind of project:
- Main standards to fulfill
- Different area characteristics with the critical equipment
- Utilities
- Trained staff
- Safety aspects

RSD in the MEDICA trade fair in Dusseldorf
Within about one month, we will be at MEDICA trade fair in Dusseldorf, from November 18th until 21st (Hall 12 Stand A68) . This trade fair, one of the more important in the world for medical devices and pharmaceutical industries, is the optimum place to show our Ethylene Oxide sterilization solutions. Also, it is the opportunity to introduce our company for all those who don’t know us.

SEC Signature DIR, a reliable sensor for EtO sterilizers, now available with ATEX certification thanks to RSD
RSD has succeeded to get the ATEX certification delivered by the notified body LOM for the sensor “SEC Signature DIR” from Sensor Electronics Corp., and becomes the official importer in Europe of this material from now on, specially designed to ETO sterilization equipment.

Our control system: SCADA + PLC for ETO sterilization equipment
RSD has developed its own control system for industrial ETO sterilization equipment "the ONYX control system". A control system including SCADA technology and safety PLC, a high-quality and high safety solution.